I have started my blog under "kahani-kavita.blogspot.com" and written many poems, stories, articles (all in hindi). KIndly do a favour so that my efforts may go to many readers. I wants their comments. With regards. harendra.
While writting on this blogspot, I got hotspot, burning ideas. It gives me stemna and helped me in building my confidence. It has given me a lesson how to spend the leisure time, utilization of time, punctuality. From that date I also started to follow the principle "early to bed early to rise, a man makes healthy wealthy and wise ". I leave bed at four a.m., do walking, jogging and yoga all before sun rise. And now it became a part of my habit. I want to say to my readers and the students,(the future of india) who are going to take over the greater responsibility of the country, "be dutyful, hardworking, loyal to country, alert, be aware of un-social elements, punctual and so on. Ensure that your body is within the limitation. thanks harendra